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Open + Affirming

We take our radical welcome seriously. We understand that Christianity and the Bible have long been used as weapons against queer people, and we reject the theology of “hate the sin, love the sinner” and “pray the gay away.” We not only affirm LGBTQIA+ people in their fullness as beloved and made in the image of God but we strive to create a spiritual home of love and belonging.


We are a majority LGBTQIA+ congregation with members, pastors, and staff having a variety of sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, relationship styles and family structures. We invite folks to indicate their pronouns on their nametags, have a gender-neutral wheelchair-accessible bathroom, and are constantly working to check our assumptions about people's identities.


In 1999, we became “Open and Affirming” (ONA) - the official designation of congregations in the United Church of Christ affirming the full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ persons in the church's life and ministry. We adopted an Open and Affirming Statement by unanimous consent in 1999, with its latest update in June 2024. It states:


We, First Church Somerville, United Church of Christ proclaim ourselves to be an Open and Affirming congregation. We celebrate the wide range of gifts found within a diverse community. 


We confess that the Christian Church has often excluded and harmed people based on their identity and embodiment. We therefore commit ourselves to welcoming people of all sexual orientations, sex and gender identities and expressions, relationship styles and family structures, ages, cognitive and physical abilities, experiences of mental illness and addiction, races, ethnicities, nationalities, immigration and economic statuses into the full life and ministry of the church. We believe that all expressions of love and relationship are sacred as long as they are centered in the dignity and worth of each person and based in authenticity and enthusiastic consent. We continue to commit ourselves to the struggle against injustice in all forms. 

With God’s grace, we join together as a covenant community, believing that “nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.” - Romans 8:38-39

First Church is 25 YEARS OPEN & AFFIRMING!


2024 is our 25 Years ONA anniversary! Celebrating this milestone, First Church not only organized a queer prom and a beautiful anniversary service, but we also produced two videos as expressions of our ongoing commitment:


What does Open and Affirming mean?

Our first video is a dive into what Open and Affirming means to our community, those who were part of the decision 25 years ago and those who continue holding up this commitment now:

“We are gonna love you forever”

Our second video is a poem written by our former pastor Rev. Jeff Mansfield as a promise to our kids that "we will love them forever." This poem, which was first read during a FCS worship service, is performed here by staff and members of our community.

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